In this article, we will look into the Roman’s road to salvation, how it came about, and what it means. So, grab your Bible, and let’s dig in…
There’s no shortage of scriptures that explain how salvation works. God already explained it partially in Genesis 3:14-15 when He promised that Adam’s Seed (Jesus) would crush the serpent’s head.
Throughout the Old Testament, we can see how everything ties in with God’s plan of salvation, and then Jesus clarified many aspects during His lifetime on earth.
However, the Book of Romans is the place to go for anyone who wants a clear and step-by-step guide.
Nowhere else in the Bible is there such a concise summary of God’s redemption plan, so much so that people developed a system called the Romans Road to Salvation. Let’s look at it more closely.

A Little Bit About The Book Of Romans
Before we dive into the Roman’s road to salvation let’s take a little look at the book of Romans. This book was written by the Apostle Paul near his third missionary journey, and is considered an amazing exploration of the Christian faith.
It’s a heartfelt letter that beautifully weaves together complex theological insights and practical life applications.
- The righteousness of God is a central theme in Romans. Paul emphasizes that righteousness is given to us as a gift through faith in Jesus Christ, not earned by our own efforts (Romans 1:17; 3:21-22). This ground-breaking revelation underscores the gospel’s transformative power.
- Next, Paul delves into the mystery of human sin (Romans 3:23). He discusses the human condition, highlighting our universal need for God’s grace.
- Paul then explores the role of the law. He explains that the law was given not to save us, but to reveal our sin and point us to Jesus (Romans 7:7).
- In Romans 8, Paul offers a comforting reflection on the work of the Holy Spirit. He assures believers of their eternal security in Jesus, underlining the Spirit’s role in guiding us and interceding for us.
- Romans 12-14 contains some of the Bible’s most practical teachings on Christian living. From love and humility to obedience and respect for authority.
Romans is a treasure trove of spiritual wisdom! It encourages us to deeply consider our faith, to embrace God’s grace, and to pursue a life that reflects His love and righteousness.
What Is The Romans’s Road To Salvation?
The Romans Road to Salvation consists of scriptures from the book of Romans explaining the need, requirements, and results of the salvation plan God set in motion for all humanity.
The Romans Road is like a roadmap that we can use for our own salvation and to save others, but we should keep in mind that it was compiled by humans.
Everything in it is scripture-based, so there’s nothing wrong with it, but it means that people often edit or adjust it slightly to make more sense to them.
As long as the purity of the message and the scriptures is maintained, there’s no problem with that, but that will explain why you may find some variations of it.
How To Use The Romans Road
There are two main uses for the Romans Road to Salvation:
- Seekers and non-believers can use the system to help them find God.
Anyone who doesn’t understand how God’s salvation plan works can use the scriptures and steps in the Romans Road to find the answers they seek. - Believers can effectively use the Romans Road to share the gospel.
The steps can help you take someone through the process of realizing they need redemption, then explain how they can find God’s salvation.
New believers don’t always understand how to share the gospel with others. The Romans Road provides a clear guide that they can follow to keep things simple and to the point.
How you use the Romans Road will largely depend on the situation.
For your own study or to share the gospel with someone who’s open and willing to listen, it’s best to use the verses and steps as a guideline but to study each verse directly in the Bible. The context is always crucial, so it’s essential for a seeker to study the Bible and confirm the answers there.
However, it’s not always practical, and there might be situations where we have an opportunity to share the gospel without the convenience of having a Bible with us.
For those situations, it’s great to memorize the verses that form part of the Romans Road system so we can quote them and share the gospel effectively.
Roman’s Road To Salvation Verses
The Roman’s Road to Salvation consists of four essential steps, each consisting of separate verses in the book of Romans. Let’s go through them step by step.

1. The Human Problem – We Are All Sinners, By Nature And By Choice
The first step towards salvation is always acknowledging that we are all sinners. Unfortunately, the classic argument of “but I’m a good person” is not good enough.
In Romans 3:10, Paul wrote, “As it is written, ‘None is righteous, no, not one.’”
Being a “good person” is not good enough to put us in right standing with God because He demands perfect righteousness and holiness, and nobody on earth can achieve that.
Another verse that proves this point is Romans 3:23: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
2. The Only Hope For Humanity Is Jesus Christ

Once we realize that we have no hope for salvation and that we are removed from God for all eternity, our eyes can be opened to the incredible truth that there is one hope: Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:8 summarizes this perfectly with the words, “But God showed His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Another verse that summarizes both points so far is Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
These verses contain a few crucial points to drive home:
- In sin, we are destined for death, and there is no “good” outcome when we remain in sin.
- Despite us being in sin, God loved us and has been working on a salvation plan throughout the ages.
- He showed His love for us through the death of His Son, Jesus Christ.
- The gift of Jesus Christ is free – we cannot earn or deserve it, and it is given to us through the grace and love of God.
- Through Jesus Christ, we can have eternal life so that the wages of sin (death) can no longer have a hold on us.
3. The Sinner’s Response – Trusting And Surrendering To Jesus Christ

Once we know that God offered us a solution, we must respond so we can accept that free gift.
Romans 10:13 says, “For ‘everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved.’”
Also, Romans 10:9-10 says, “Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.”
This option is for everyone, with no exceptions. We can all be saved, and it only requires we believe and confess.
There are prayers designed explicitly for this step that guide you through the confession part, but we don’t have to follow a specific recipe; God sees our hearts and knows what we are praying and confessing, even if our words don’t come out right.
The important part is this:
- We must believe that Jesus Christ is our only hope because of His death and resurrection. He paid the price in full, and His sacrifice is greater than all the sins in the world throughout the ages.
- We must confess (to him and, if possible, other believers) that Jesus is Lord.
That is all that God requires for you to be saved. Remember, we cannot earn or deserve (or even repay) God’s gift, no matter how hard we try.
4. The Results Of Salvation

After believing and confessing, we can start living in the consequences and results of our salvation.
Romans 5:1-2 says, “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through Him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God.”
Romans 8:1 also says, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
And, again, Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Based on these verses, we as believers have the following to look forward to:
- We have peace with God. God is not “angry” with us anymore; we have perfect peace with Him and can start living in a relationship with Him.
- We have access to grace. God’s grace is available to all believers, and it covers multiple aspects of our lives, from healing and miracles to Godly provision for our needs.
- We are no longer condemned. If we experience any condemnation as believers, it is not from God. He has completely forgiven us.
- We now have the free gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus and can spend eternity with Him.
The Romans Road is called the most important journey for a reason – it is impossible to reconcile with God and be justified without it.
Through the process of recognizing that we are hopeless and sinful people, finding that Jesus’ sacrifice is sufficient for us, then believing and confessing His Lordship over our lives, everything in us changes.
Anyone who wants to find everything God has in store for them should start with the Romans Road. There is no better way to live a life of success, meaning, and purpose. And, best of all, it is entirely free.

Melissa is a passionate minister, speaker and an ongoing learner of the Bible. She has been involved in church and vocational ministry for over 18 years. And is the founder of Think About Such Things. She has the heart to equip the saints by helping them get into the Word of God and fall more in love with Jesus. She also enjoys family, cooking, and reading.
She has spoken in churches in California, Oregon, Texas, and Mexico and has been featured in Guidepost Magazine and All Recipes Magazine. Read More…