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Angelology: The Study of Angels

Welcome to my resource page on Angelology. My goal is that this page would provide for you a Biblical foundation on the topic of angels.

There is a lot of non-biblical and downright weird stuff on the topic of angels. Stuff that can you lead you down the path of the occult. I hope my articles on the topic of angels bring clarity and understanding.

But, before we get to the articles lets clear the air on some stuff…

What is Angelology?

Simply put Angelology means the study of angels or studying the doctrine of angels. The word itself is not found in the Bible. Therefore there is no Biblical meaning to angelology.

The suffix ology is widely used in our English language to indicate a field of study. For example, Cardiology (the study of the heart), Genealogy (the study of genes), and Zoology (the study of animals)

Definition of angelology: The theologial doctrine of angels or it's study

Why Study Angels?

Everyone is going to be different on why they want to study angels in the Bible. For me personally, I think it’s fun! I love learning about these other creatures that God Almighty created.

I also like to know the truth. And in our world, there is a lot of unbiblical and new age information on angels. I think as Christians we should be able to know what is Biblical and non-biblical on angels. So, that we will not be led astray or watch others be led astray. It’s wisdom!

For you, it could be a number of other reasons why or the same reasons I have. But whatever the reason, I think it’s a good thing to study on angels.

And I hope your pursuit of it will deepen your faith in God!


FREE Types of Angels In The Bible Printable 

Sign up for my newsletter and you will receive a 5 page printable on the 5 Types of Angels in the Bible. Plus FULL access to my printables vault! It has a ton of practical and fun things to print that will help you in you grow in your walk with God! Wahooooo! 🎉

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A couple of things I want to make clear on this page (I also mention them in many of the articles below). These are two areas that there is a lot of weird information on, but the Bible is so crystal clear about.

  • We are to NEVER worship angels. We only worship God! (Matthew 4:9-10, Revelation 22:8-9, Colossians 2:18)
  • We do NOT pray to angels. We pray to God! (there is NOT ONE instance in scripture where an individual prayed to an angel)

There is no wiggle room in those two statements. Angels are created beings just like you and me. They have a spirit body while we have a body, soul, and spirit. They are never to take the place of God in our life.

Christian Angelology Articles

bible study about angels

Below you will find a selection of posts that will help you in your Bible study on angels. Each post will dive into different areas on the angelic and what God’s Word says about them.

It’s amazing what we can learn about these angelic creature when we open out Bible!

If you want to continue to grow on the topic of angels of the Bible. Then make sure to bookmark this page for the future reference or you can save this pin below onto your Pinterest board. More articles on the study of angels will be added to this page.

No matter what I hope these articles have blessed you in your biblical study of angels. Keep digging deep and learning God’s truth. He will richly bless you!

Christian Angelology

What is Angelology?

Angelology means the study of angels or studying the doctrine of angels. The word itself is not found in the Bible.

What Is the Study of Angels Called?

The study of angels is called angelology. The suffix ology is widely used in our English language to indicate a field of study