In this article, we will explore some fun ways you can honor your dad! You can use these ideas for his birthday, Father’s Day, or just because.
I recently wrote an article on ways to bless your mom. This time around, I wanted to talk about some creative ways we can bless and honor our dads.
You don’t need it to be Father’s Day or his birthday for you to bless your dad. Doing little things that show your honor, appreciation, care, and respect for your dad can have an amazing result on your relationship.
There are always generic things that we can do to express our love, but with a bit of thought, you can make it personal and unique.
Dad’s seriously come in all shapes and sizes.
The diversity you will see in them is amazing. You have the…
- The Outdoorsy Dad
- The Techie Dad
- The Sporty Dad
- The Creative Artistic Dad
- The Build Things Dad
And a lot more! The thing is, no matter what kind of dad you have, there are specific ways you can honor him.
I noted this in my other article, but there is a good reason why you should bless your dad.
The Bible makes it clear in many places about honoring your father and mother.
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth. Ephesians 6:1-3
I love how God blesses you as you bless them. It’s a beautiful image of how God loves family and relationships.
Two Reasons To Honor Your Father
1. He provided for you
Your dad worked hard to put food on the table, keep a roof over your head, and provide for your needs. He sacrificed his time, energy, and interests for your well-being. Honoring him is a way to express gratitude for all he did to care for you.
2. He taught you life lessons
In addition to providing materially, most dads seek to instill wisdom and values in their children. Whether through formal lessons or leading by example, your father taught you important life skills that have shaped who you are.
Honoring him recognizes the vital role he played in your growth and development. Things like work ethic, confidence, honesty, and more were likely modeled to you by your dad.
But there are times when those relationships are not healthy and cause a lot of pain in our lives. If that has happened with your dad, I want to let you know that God wants to heal that pain.
One of the first things we need to do to get on the road to healing is to forgive. No one is perfect; everyone makes mistakes. Some of them are big mistakes, and some are small, but when you forgive, you will be giving God access to that part of your heart.
Then He can bring healing and restoration.

You don’t have to live in pain from someone else’s actions. God is a BIG God, and He is full of love for you. Let it go, and let Him heal you.
Ok, let’s look at those 10 ways to honor your dad. Keep in mind if you happen to know your dad’s love languages, that will be a major plus.
Those love languages are:
- physical touch
- words of affirmation
- gifts
- acts of service
- quality time
If you are not familiar with Love Languages. Then I would super encourage you to check out Gary Chapman’s Book: Love Languages.
It will shift your understanding of how you need to be loved and how others need to be loved. For realz!
10 Simple Ways To Honor Your Dad

1. Have a talk with Him – Dad wants to know what’s on your mind and how you are doing. Have a sit-down chat with him about life.
2. Pray For Him – If you grew up with a strong dad, this can almost seem weird. The thing all dads need prayer. They are just like you and me. We are all in need of prayer covering.
3. Do Something Together He Loves – If you are an adult, you should know what your dad likes to spend time on. If it’s fishing, go fishing with him.
If he is more into cars, bring him to a car show. Loves Star Trek? Live long and prosper, my friend, and watch some of the movies together. Just make sure whatever you do, it’s something he loves.
4. Food – I really shouldn’t have to say much about this. We all know they like food. You can make it, bake it, or even fake it (buy it at the store).
If it tastes good, he’s going to love it. Also, consider your pop’s favorite dish or dessert to make it extra special. Imagine making him his favorite meal or cake for no reason. To say I love you, dad.
5. Buy Him A Gift – From what I mentioned earlier, every dad is different. Think about what your dad loves and have that be the springboard from which you buy him something.
6. Show Him Respect & Appreciation – Share a memory of a time when he gave you some really good advice or told you to do or not do something that helped you in life.
Tell him how much you appreciate his wisdom and are thankful for that.
7. Help Him Cross Off Something On His Bucket List- Is there something your dad has always wanted to do? Depending on your dad’s personality this could be a little bigger thing to tackle.
But imagine making a dream come true for him and having the joy of knowing you helped cross it off.
8. Write Him a Heartfelt Letter – Expressing how much he means to you and how he has positively impacted your life. Share specific memories and qualities you admire in him.
9. Create a photo album or collage of special memories with your dad – throughout the years. Include captions for each photo highlighting why that moment was meaningful. Give it to him as a gift.
10. Build or Create Together – If your dad enjoys working with his hands, offer to help him with a home improvement or repair project. Use the time working alongside each other to bond and create new memories.
If you sit and think I am sure you would think other ways you can bless your dad. It really isn’t hard. The best thing about blessing him is the fruit you will reap from your relationship with him.
Showing love and appreciation to anyone can deepen your connection and relationship with him. Just think what this would do for you and your dad. And we all know it would bring joy to God, to as you honor him.
Those two things alone make it all worth it, but there is more. If you have kiddos or will someday, you will teach and show them how and what it means to bless your parents. You are sowing seeds for how your kids will treat you one day.
Drop me a comment below with your thoughts and some ways you would like to bless your dad.

Melissa is a passionate minister, speaker and an ongoing learner of the Bible. She has been involved in church and vocational ministry for over 18 years. And is the founder of Think About Such Things. She has the heart to equip the saints by helping them get into the Word of God and fall more in love with Jesus. She also enjoys family, cooking, and reading.
She has spoken in churches in California, Oregon, Texas, and Mexico and has been featured in Guidepost Magazine and All Recipes Magazine. Read More…
Thursday 22nd of June 2017
My dad stays over at our place every Tuesday night for work, so I get to spend time with him regularly. These are some good ideas to make sure it's quality time that blesses him.
Kim Wilbanks
Friday 16th of June 2017
Great article! My dad's eyesight is failing so I'm going to start recording my blog posts for him to listen to.
Melissa Tumino
Tuesday 20th of June 2017
Wow that's so sweet Kim! What a wonderful way to share with your dad.
Erin Port
Friday 16th of June 2017
Great ideas - my dad truly loves the gift of time! A sweet heartfelt card and time are a sure way to his heart! xoxo ERIN
Melissa Tumino
Tuesday 20th of June 2017
Sounds like you know what your dad likes and needs! :)
Emily Susanne
Friday 16th of June 2017
Great ideas! God has actually been helping me reconcile with my dad, and I plan on making him a model airplane since he loves airplanes.
Melissa Tumino
Tuesday 20th of June 2017
That is wonderful to hear that God is helping you reconcile with your dad! He is such a good God!
Martika @ Coffee Time With Him
Tuesday 13th of June 2017
Great post, Melissa! Your number 1 of the 7 is something I always do with my dad. The crazy thing is my father is not a Christ-believer but he does ask questions about the Bible which make our conversations even more interesting! And for food, he is grilling hotdogs and hamburgers all year long; even in the winter! lol Thanks for sharing this post!