In this article, we will have a Bible study and learn lessons from Hannah in the Bible and how her life and story can impact us. So, grab your Bible, and let’s dig in…
The Bible is full of characters and their life experiences, which make wonderful examples from which we can learn and receive instruction, and revelation. We can then apply that to our own lives and walk with God. Hannah is a prime example of someone from which we can learn a lot and pursue a closer relationship with God.
Hannah in the Bible teaches us several important lessons about how God is interested in the details of our lives, especially the things important to us or dear to our hearts. And we can learn from Hannah important truths about how to approach God, the kind of response we can expect, and what is expected from us in return.
She is an excellent example of a person from the old testament from whom we can learn a great deal about ourselves and how God is interested in the intimate details of our lives. As we deep dive into Hannah’s life and her appeal to God, open your heart and put yourself in her shoes to gain an insight into how God feels about you!

Lessons From Hannah In The Bible

1. Hannah Knew That Prayer Changes Things
Hannah believed in the power of prayer to alter the course of events. Hannah prayed to God despite the shame and pain of being unable to bear children. She prayed earnestly, expecting God to answer her supplications and help her. Hannah’s prayers were answered, and she was blessed with a son, Samuel. Who later became the last Judge of Israel.
It is clear from Hannah’s experience that prayer can effect positive transformation. It may seem unattainable, but God can do His will in our life through prayer and trust in Him. Hannah’s faith and prayer perseverance inspire us to keep praying despite setbacks. God’s power is unleashed in our lives when we pray to Him and put our faith in His plan.
2. Hannah Realized She Could Be Authentic Before God in Prayer
Hannah finally felt safe being herself in God’s presence when she prayed. Hannah cried out to God in the first chapter of 1 Samuel, asking for a child and sharing her deep sadness. She did not wear a mask or pretend to be strong in front of God; instead, she was open and honest about how she felt.
We must pray in this spirit of openness and sincerity in our fellowship with God. Our full range of feelings, from happiness to sadness, optimism to pessimism, is welcome in His presence. This is why in my written prayers I always suggest personalizing and having your prayers come from the heart. God understands what we’re going through and Is ready to lend a helping hand.
As Hannah shows us, prayer can be an opportunity for honesty and openness with God. Then, when we come to Him with our weaknesses and hopes, He will meet us with His steadfast love and grace.
3. Hannah’s Humility Is A Great Lesson
Hannah was neither arrogant nor boastful after God granted her prayer for a child. She instead maintained her humility and thankfulness toward God. Even in her marriage to Elkanah, Hannah was humble.
Hannah did not change or become arrogant after God answered her prayer, and she had several more children after Samuel. She truly had been blessed by God, but she didn’t flaunt it.
Furthermore, she didn’t brag and make Peninnah feel bad. Even though Peninnah was basically a jerk to her. Instead, Hannah praises God in 1 Samuel 2 for all He has done for her and her family. She sings in this song that God deserves all the glory because He is the source of all blessings.
“My heart rejoices in the Lord; My horn is exalted in the Lord, My mouth [b]speaks boldly against my enemies, Because I rejoice in Your salvation. There is no one holy like the Lord, Indeed, there is no one besides You, Nor is there any rock like our God. - 1 Samuel 2:1-2
Hannah’s humility is an excellent example to emulate because it encourages us to continually give gratitude to God no matter how blessed we are.
Keep in mind that He is the source of all benefits! Following Hannah’s standard of modesty and humility in the face of blessings is a lesson worth learning and making it part of our own lives. If we frequently remember to thank God and recognize that all gifts come from Him, we can keep our heads down and our appreciation high no matter what comes our way.
4. Hannah Was Aware That God’s Plan Is The Best
Even when it was hard for her to comprehend, Hannah knew God’s plan was the greatest. Hannah’s deep sadness stemmed from her inability to start a family. Because having children was so highly valued in ancient Israel, Hannah’s incapacity to conceive may have left her feeling inadequate, disappointed, and scared. Without an heir and someone to take of her in an old age Hannah didn’t know what her future would look like.
Hannah did not turn away from God or give up on adversity. She instead continued to trust in God and His purposes for her life. Hannah prayed earnestly, asking God to show her the way. In time, God heard her pleadings, and she gave birth to a son named Samuel.
Despite our inability to fathom it because of personal situations and circumstances, God always has the best plan, as Hannah’s story tells us. Trust me I know it’s hard sometimes. But God does see the bigger pictures.
There are things He does and allows that we don’t understand, but we can believe His plans are good because He is sovereign and kind. The story of Joseph is a prime example of things going bad but God being in control and turning it around for good.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28
5. Hannah Praises God In Every Situation
Even during hardship, Hannah always gave thanks and praise to God. Despite being ridiculed by her husband’s other wife, Peninnah, and her own infertility, Hannah never stopped trusting in God or turned away from Him. On the contrary, the opposite was true; she never stopped praising and trusting in Him.
Hannah gives God thanks for all of his goodness to her in 1 Samuel 2 by singing a hymn of praise and thankfulness. There is no good outside of God’s control, and she knows this. Hannah’s trust in God is beautifully expressed in her song.
Praise God no matter what; that’s the lesson we can take from Hannah’s life. It’s easy to become disheartened and forget God’s goodness in challenging situations. Hannah assures us that God still deserves our adoration, whatever trials we may go through. God gives us power and hopes when we praise and thank Him.
6. God Blessed Hannah Because She Was Faithful
Hannah didn’t turn away from God or lose faith even though she struggled with infertility. Instead, she promised God that if He blessed her with a son, she would do the ultimate sacrifice for a mother, give her child up. God knew she would honor her promise and gave her heart’s desire.

Hannah’s faithfulness to God was demonstrated by her fervent intercession. One translation says that Hannah cried bitterly, asking for God’s for His blessing. But, this led Eli the high priest to believe she was drunk, and he rebuked her for it. Despite this, she swore to God that she would give her son to Him so that he may serve in the temple.
In return for Hannah’s trust in God, a boy whom she called Samuel was born. Then, according to her word, she sacrificed her son to God. Again, please think of how hard that must have been for a mother who had no children and then had to give him up. This was HUGE that Hannah kept her word. And she didn’t know if she would have more children.
Hannah’s love and devotion paved the way for Samuel’s ultimate rise to prominence as a prophet and judge in Israel. Truly, faithfulness through adversity and hardship is a virtue we may learn from Hannah’s example.
7. Hannah And Elkanah A Model Of Love, Respect, And Devotion
There is a picture painted in the Bible of a loving and supportive marriage between Hannah and her husband, Elkanah. Elkanah was a devout husband who did his best to meet Hannah’s requirements because of his intense love for her. Although Elkanah had another wife, Peninnah, who was fertile, he showed Hannah and extra level of love and compassion.
He strove to soothe and reassure her whenever she was feeling low. In 1 Samuel 1:4, you will see that Elkanah gave Peninnah and her children what they needed. Still, in verse 5, the Bible tells us that Elkanah gave Hannah a worthy portion because he loved her. His value of her was not on what she could provide but on who she was to him.
Despite their difficulties as a couple in not having a child together, Hannah and Elkanah maintained a relationship characterized by love, respect, and commitment. Imagine how he had to support her decision to give up their firstborn son together. That they can love and support one another through life’s ups and downs is a testament to the power of a godly marriage.
As we wrap things up it’s important to see that Hannah was a biblical character who trusted God to hear her and answer her prayers. Her faith and tenacity in the face of day-to-day life struggles can provide us with peace, courage, and motivation to seek answers from our God, even when there seems to be little hope!
Read the story of Hannah for yourself in His word. It’s not very long and it’s powerful. I encourage you to ask Holy Spirit to make the word come alive in your heart and provide relevance to the situations you face! I hope you have enjoyed this Bible study on Hannah and it has encouraged you to learn about more characters from the Bible.
*Some images on this post were contributed by Moody Publishers /

Melissa is a passionate minister, speaker and an ongoing learner of the Bible. She has been involved in church and vocational ministry for over 18 years. And is the founder of Think About Such Things. She has the heart to equip the saints by helping them get into the Word of God and fall more in love with Jesus. She also enjoys family, cooking, and reading.
She has spoken in churches in California, Oregon, Texas, and Mexico and has been featured in Guidepost Magazine and All Recipes Magazine. Read More…