In this article, we will be exploring Bible stories about faith that will encourage and stir up your trust and hope in God. So, grab your Bible and dig in…
The Bible is full of stories that help believers live their lives unto the Lord and has many demonstrations that teach us how to live in faith. Reading Biblical stories about faith is a great way to bolster your faith, teach you how to remain in faith during difficult situations, and grow your faith.
Faith is a fundamental aspect of the life of a Christian. Without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Reading the stories of faith in the Bible is the best way to learn what faith looks like, and how to walk out this faith according to the goodness of God.
Here we will find some of the best examples of faith in the Bible by identifying stories of faith in God and learning how to apply these faith lessons to our own lives as believers.

Biblical Stories About Faith
The Bible contains several stories about faith that every believer can learn from and lean on, regardless of what season of life they are in. Reading these biblical faith stories inspires faith in us, keeps us living in faith, and provides faith as a perspective from which to live our lives.
There are many stories to read about faith in the Bible. Take the time to discover them all yourself as the Holy Spirit leads you. Here are some stories to read to encourage and bolster your faith and stories that teach us how to apply the lessons of faith to our lives.

Jesus Heals The Centurion’s Servant
This story of faith is found in Matthew 8:5-13. In this passage, a Roman Centurion approaches Jesus, asking for help for his servant, who was paralyzed and tormented.
Jesus heard the man and said that He would come and heal his servant, but the Centurion made a declaration of faith and stated that he understood the authority of Jesus, and all Jesus had to do was speak a word, and he knew that his servant would be healed.
This bold declaration moved Jesus, as He stated that He had not found faith this great, not even in Israel. Jesus then told the Centurion to go back home, and as he had believed, so it would be done. From that moment, the Centurion’s servant was healed.
This story teaches us that we only need to turn to Jesus and believe in His Word, knowing He can do anything by His authority.
Stand in faith, knowing that Jesus is the highest authority, and there is nothing that HE cannot do, simply by one word.
The Woman With The Issue Of Blood
In Luke 8:43-48, we find a story of a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years. She had consulted multiple physicians and spent all of her money on cures and medicines, and nothing had resolved the issue.
When Jesus was walking to attend to the daughter of Jairus, many people surrounded him and touched him, but the woman with the flow of blood reached out and touched the hem of His garment. She believed that she should be healed if she could only touch Him.

As she touched Jesus’ garment, the power went out from Him and healed her. When Jesus felt this happen, he asked for her, and she explained herself. Jesus told her to be of good cheer and that her faith had made her well.
This woman had no other options and was at the end of faith, as nothing had healed her body, but she reached out to Jesus in faith in Him, knowing He could heal her. Her faith in Jesus led her to take this step of faith, and the Lord healed what could not be healed by man.
Abraham And Isaac
Genesis 22:1-19 tells the story of the faith of Abraham. The Lord spoke to Abraham and told him to take his son to the top of a specific mountain and offer him a burnt offering to the Lord. Isaac was Abraham’s only son. He was the son of the promise that God had given him, in whom the Lord would fulfill his promise to Abraham that He would multiply his descendants as the sand is on the seashore.
Abraham demonstrated great faith, knowing that he could trust the Lord in everything and that if the Lord had told him to do this, there was a plan, and God is always to be trusted above all circumstances.

Abraham believed that God could raise his son from the dead and fulfill His promise. So Abraham heeded the word of God and took Isaac to the top of the mountain, tied him to an altar, and just before the knife fell, God provided a ram to sacrifice in Isaac’s place.
This story is an analog of Jesus, who is slain in our place, but it is also a great demonstration of faith, as Abraham believed in God and trusted Him, regardless of what his circumstance was. Abraham believed and trusted God above all things, even believing in God above the promises of God.
This story teaches believers to obey the word of the Lord, to trust Him in everything, and to trust that He will fulfill His word to us, regardless of what is happening in our lives and what is required of us.
The Destruction Of Jericho
In Joshua 6:1-27, we find the story of Joshua and the Israelites and how the Lord delivered the city of Jericho into their hand.
Jericho was a very large city with high, thick, impenetrable walls. The Israelites encountered this first city when the Lord led them across the Jordan river into the land He had promised them.
There was no way that the Israelites could conquer this city. The walls were too high, and the city was too well fortified. However, the Lord wanted to demonstrate His power to the people and show them He could do anything for them, even defeat their strongest enemy as their first move into the promised land.
The Lord met with Joshua and told him to march around the city’s walls every day for seven days, with the priests walking before the Ark of the Covenant, soldiers before and behind them, and the people of Israel following behind.

They were to march around the city walls once a day for six days, and on the seventh day, they should march seven times, blow the trumpets and let out a loud shout.
According to the command of the Lord, Joshua led the Israelites in what the Lord had spoken. This made no sense, as there was no battle tactic or military operation to defeat Jericho, only worship unto the Lord and faith in Him.
When the Israelites had fulfilled all the Lord had told them, Jericho’s great walls fell flat, and the Israelites took the city.
Joshua believed the Lord and the people had faith in God, that He would do what He had said, even if it did not make sense to them. God demonstrated His power through the faith of His people. By faith, these walls came down, and God moved for His people.
We learn from this story that nothing is impossible with God. He is faithful, and He will do what He says. He makes a way for us even when there seems to be no way, and all we must do is act in faith as He leads us.
More Bible Stories About Faith
Here are some more inspiring Bible stories that emphasize the importance of faith:
- The Faith of Moses (Exodus 3-4)
- God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. Despite feeling inadequate for the task, Moses trusted in God’s plan and relied on Him to perform miracles to help the Israelites escape from Pharaoh’s army.
- The Faith of Daniel (Daniel 6)
- The Faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Daniel 3)
- These three men refused to worship a golden statue that King Nebuchadnezzar had made, and were thrown into a fiery furnace as punishment. They had faith that God would save them, and were miraculously protected from harm.
- The Faith of Noah (Genesis 6-9)
- A major story in Genesis, Noah is instructed by God to build an ark and save two of every living thing on the planet. Despite the doubt of others, Noah listens to God’s command and begins to build the ark, making sure to put his trust in God alone.
- The Faith of the Blind Man (John 9)
- Jesus healed a man who had been blind from birth by putting mud on his eyes and telling him to go wash in a pool. The man had faith in Jesus and was healed, even though he didn’t know who Jesus was at first.
These stories illustrate the importance of having faith in God, even in the face of difficult circumstances. They show that when we trust in God and His plan for our lives, He is faithful to fulfill His promises!
Reading the stories of faith in the Bible is important for every believer. If you want to know where to read more of these stories, read through Hebrews 11, as this chapter identifies many stories of Biblical faith and the lessons they demonstrate.
Read about faith, learn about what it looks like, apply the lessons of it to your life, and you will find yourself strengthened, encouraged, and outwalking faith in God in your own life.

Melissa is a passionate minister, speaker and an ongoing learner of the Bible. She has been involved in church and vocational ministry for over 18 years. And is the founder of Think About Such Things. She has the heart to equip the saints by helping them get into the Word of God and fall more in love with Jesus. She also enjoys family, cooking, and reading.
She has spoken in churches in California, Oregon, Texas, and Mexico and has been featured in Guidepost Magazine and All Recipes Magazine. Read More…