In this article, we will look at a collection of prayers for the homeless. These prayers can be used in your own private time, or in a small group, or service.
There are people who live on the streets with no place to call home. It’s a sad reality in America and even the world. Homelessness has increased dramatically with the rise of inflation, mental health, and substance abuse, and more.
These individuals often go without food, water, or shelter. It’s heartbreaking, but as Christians, we want to pray for them and help them however we can. Here are some prayers for the homeless that you can use to guide your prayers.
The Most Important Thing to Pray for the Homeless
Down below I go through a slew of different topics we can pray for the homeless. These mostly cover their needs which is great. But they are earthly needs…
There is a greater need that needs to get met and that’s them coming to know Jesus as Lord and Savior! It’s a game changer for everyone. And this should be our top priority to pray! Here are a few prayer points you can use in your time praying for the homeless:
- Pray for their eyes and ears to be opened that they may see the truth about Jesus
- Pray for a radical encounter where they feel and sense the presence of God. This could be a healing, miracle, a vision, a dream, or something else.
- Pray that they would experience the love of Jesus in such a way that it breaks down all the bondage and heals all the wounds that they have.
- Pray for revival and an outpouring of God’s Spirit to take place in the homeless camps
- Pray for hearts to be softened and for minds to be clear. That the seeds of the gospel may take root and lead to transformation.
Prayers for the Homeless
A Prayer for the Needy and Homeless
Lord Jesus, I take this time to pray for the needy and the homeless. Your Word says that you are a Father to the homeless so thank You because You have not forgotten them. I ask that You may protect each one of them from any harm wherever they are. I ask that Father You may provide for them food and shelter this day.
Provide them with extra warmth, peace and guidance that only You can give. Loving Father I pray that You will hold their hands at all times, ease their worrying minds. Father, give them hope when they are in despair. I also pray that You will provide opportunities for them to live better lies in Jesus Name. Let them know that they are loved and never forgotten in Jesus Name I pray. Amen
A Prayer for the Homeless and Unemployed
Gracious Father, I pray for the homeless who are looking for employment. May You give them peace of mind during this hard time.Remind them that You are still in control of everything and You have not forgotten their situation. I cry out to You Lord to provide job opportunities for each one of them looking for jobs. May Your favor cover them so that today they will be well received on every door that they knock.
Cover them from anyone that may want to take advantage of their desperate situation Father. I pray for those that have been rejected time and again and have been discouraged by the doors being closed in front of them, Lord, may You guide their steps Lord and reveal to them what they can do differently whether it is in how they search or where they search for jobs in Jesus Name I pray. Amen
A Prayer for the Homeless in Cold Weather
Loving Father, I am grateful because I have a roof over my head. It is with great pain that I pray for those without a roof over their heads, Lord. I ask that You may cover them with Your hands that are able to provide warmth even in this cold weather. May You lead them to a shelter where they can find rest, comfort and warmth today.
Provide for them what they need for the cold. I pray that they will have heavy coats and blankets to keep the chill away. I also ask Lord for mercy in the weather. And Father may You rescue each one of them from this situation permanently in Jesus Name. Amen.
A Prayer for the Homeless in Hot Weather
Heavenly Father, I pray for the homeless in the world. You know each one of them by name Lord. You know everything they are going through in this hot weather. Guide them to shelters so that they can be protected from the heat of the sun. Bless the little ones who are so uncomfortable and restless Father.
May they continue to dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Provide for them water to quench their thirst. It gets worse during this season, may You keep them from heat related-stress Father and if any of them gets in danger, I pray that You will send someone to rescue them and save their lives. Give them comfort, Father. In Your precious Name I pray. Amen.
A Prayer for the Homeless who are Hungry
Sovereign Father, I pray for anyone that is homeless in the world. Sometimes it is very hard for them to have food to eat. I ask that Father You are going to provide them with food and drink they need for this day. May You nourish their bodies with clean and warm food and water Lord.
Remind them that You are with them even in this situation and You will provide for them just as You provided food for Elijah through ravens. Be with their babies and children as they cry to You in hunger, that they will always have someone to offer them food, Lord. Just as You prepare nourishment for the raven when their young cry to You and wander about without food, hear their cry Loving Father. I thank You because You know their needs and You will meet them today in Jesus Name. Amen.
A Prayer for the Homeless Youth and Teens
Our dear heavenly Father, I thank You because You are wonderful. I pray for the homeless youth and teens today. In their vulnerable state I ask that You may protect them and provide for them in this time of their need. Some have been chased from their homes due to certain situations, some are homeless because of family break ups. May they experience Your love, fill their hearts with warmth and hope for tomorrow.
Provide shelter and security for them Father. I pray that You will open up a way for them to continue with their school. Father may You make it possible for them to get foster homes where they will be loved and taken care of in Jesus Name. Heal those who are sick and even if sickness has to come again let it be brief and heal them quickly Lord. provide for them food and shelter in the precious Name of Jesus. Amen.
A Prayer for the Homeless that are Dealing with Addictions
Loving God, I pray for the homeless who are struggling with addiction of any kind. May You deliver them Lord. I pray Father that You will give them the courage and strength to let go of the vices. May You open their eyes to see the struggle that the addiction is causing them adding to the fact that they are homeless. May You send others to encourage them and help them through the process of recovery.
Help the people around them to lay down judgment towards them, cast only cares towards them and make their response be love. Lord Jesus may You break the chains that weigh them down, and let Your power be evident as You bring healing in every aspect of their lives. Be glorified God as these lives are being transformed in Jesus Name. Amen.
Melissa is a passionate minister, speaker and an ongoing learner of the Bible. She has been involved in church and vocational ministry for over 18 years. And is the founder of Think About Such Things. She has the heart to equip the saints by helping them get into the Word of God and fall more in love with Jesus. She also enjoys family, cooking, and reading.
She has spoken in churches in California, Oregon, Texas, and Mexico and has been featured in Guidepost Magazine and All Recipes Magazine. Read More…