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7 Breakthrough Prayers for Depression

In this article, we will go over prayers for depression that you can use in your alone time with the Lord or in a group setting.

It is said that 3.8% of the world population deals with some form of depression. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but out of 8 billion people, that’s around 304 million people dealing with depression. That’s a lot of people especially when you think the united states is said to have a population of 329.5 million.

Depression can cripple our ability to live our life to the fullest. And that is NOT what God has for us. He wants us to experience a life full of His joy, peace, love, and goodness.

Prayer can bring us breakthrough in our thinking, body, and life. I love how the amplified versions of James 5:16 reads…

Therefore, confess your sins to one another [your false steps, your offenses], and pray for one another, that you may be healed and restored. The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power].

My hope is that when you go over these prayers and spend time with the Lord that He would set you free from all depression and anxiety. But before we dig in, let me cover some important aspects of using written prayers.

prayer for depression

Important Keys Before Praying Prayers for Depression

Be specific and get personal- Written prayers are usually generic in nature so they can work with a multitude of people. So, it is important that as you use these prayers to add some specifics and get personal. Use names, situations, and express to the Lord what you are going through. God wants to hear from YOU. So, I encourage to use these prayers to help you in your prayer time, but make sure to be real with Him as you continue to pray.

Continue to Pray- Sometimes we have to continue to pray before something breaks off of us. So, please don’t feel down and out if you pray and you and not instantly better. The more we pray, get into His presence, and, draw closer to Him the more we shall see a change in our life. I also encourage you to check out these Bible affirmations. They are great to add to your prayer time.

prayer for someone who is depressed

A Prayer for Anxiety and Depression

Dear Lord, my heart is full of fear. I feel crushed and drained from the inside. Even though everything around me feels like shifting sand, I thank You that You never change. You are the same yesterday, today and forevermore.

For anyone who is in You has no reason to be anxious for anything. Christ, You are the mighty rock of ages on whom I can be stable. Lord, I pray You will help me soften through the false foundations in my life that are causing me unrest and anxiety.

Help me see whether my anxiety and depression is because of a spiritual or a physical battle. Please bring all that is hidden to light and help me fight that battle. Thank You for the grace You have provided in Jesus’ namen Amen.

A Prayer for When You are Feeling Down

Father of love, You adore me beyond what I have seen elsewhere. Today, as I struggle with emotions of feeling down, I thank You that I am not defined by circumstances. Wipe every tear from my eyes and remind me that I am not alone and neither will I ever be.

I am defined by the sacrifice of love You made on the cross. You that did not shy away from offering Your own Son on the cross for mankind, what can You hide from those You love? I decree I am excited about my life and my future. Thank You for a new season of joy and gladness. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

A Prayer for Healing of Depression

Almighty Father, I am struggling emotionally and physically. Thank You that You created the body with warning signals and receptors that tell me when things are not going well. Currently, I am feeling depressed, lonely, and anxious. However, I am grateful that my feelings are not my identity nor are they my final story.

For Your Word has promised me that there is no temptation that comes my way, which is above the grace You have poured into my life. In Jesus, I am more than a conqueror. Lord, remind me that there is no shadow You won’t light up and there is no mountain You won’t tear down chasing after me. Lord, I ask for strength to endure.

A Prayer for Stress and Depression

You are the God who loves me and goes before me. You have promised to never leave me or forsake me for You are a shield about me, my glory and the lifter of my head. I call upon in a time of stress and unknown for You have promised to hear the cries of the righteous and deliver them from all their troubles.

You are near to the brokenhearted and those who are crushed in the Spirit. I confess that there is nothing that will separate or snatch me from the safety of Your hands. At the mention of Jesus depression and stress have bowed. God has upheld me with His righteous right hand. In the name of Jesus, amen.

prayers to help with depression

A Prayer for Hopelessness and Depression

I release myself from every infirmity in the Name of Jesus. I decree that it is well with my soul. Father, break off of my life all restrictions and limitations placed by fear, depression and hopelessness in Jesus’ Name.

Open my eyes to see and to understand the wondrous things that You have done for me. Remember me, O’ Lord, during this time of feeling hopeless. Pour Your favor on me and bless me with Your presence. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

 A Prayer for Postpartum Depression

Thank You, Lord, for allowing the opportunity to enjoy what many are praying for. However, the enemy sometimes seeps in fear and pain during these wonderful moments of joy. I refuse to fall into his plan and I rather stand on the safe ground of Your promises. For You have promised to hold me with Your love even in my weaknesses.

When I am falling apart, You put me together and You call me beloved. I prayerfully surrender to You and I boldly step out into the light of joy, peace, and happiness. Help me to view this time, and my baby in with Your eyes. Let my body and hormones line up with Your Word and be balanced and made whole. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

 A Prayer for Discouragement

God, You are my great encouragement. I know that if I keep my eyes on You, I will not lose strength or be discouraged. However, Lord, that is easier said than done. Free me from every stronghold that takes away my smile and makes me feel discouraged. I lose focus often when things become hot and unbearable around me.

I worry too much that things won’t go right, but today I lay all that struggle at Your feet. I exchange my burden to You for fresh encouragement and peace. Please lift my Spirit and take control of the situation. In Jesus’ name, amen and amen.

Prayer Against Spirit Of Depression 

Your Words O’ Lord have encouraged me to call upon Your Name. The more I know You the more I realize You are God over everything; even over depression. For You have taught me to stand on the authority of Your Word, I break away from the hands of depression today.

I command all spirits of sadness, unforgiveness, hurt, rejection, wrath, fear, anger, grief, bitterness, discouragement, and depression to come out of my life and my emotions in the Name of Jesus. It says where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. Holy Spirit rest upon me so I may experience Your freedom from the spirit of depression. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen and amen.

I hope these prayers for depression have blessed you. And remember you don’t need to face depression on your own. Gather those around you who care for you and will pray for you as you pray for breakthrough. God will move that dark cloud and bring light, freedom, and peace to your life like never before.

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