In this article, we will explore how we can welcome the Holy Spirit in our lives. So, grab your Bible, and let’s grow…
While Jesus was still on earth, He told His disciples that He would send them a Helper, the Holy Spirit to teach them all things and remind them of all He said to them.
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. – John 14:26 NKJV
There are many names for the Holy Spirit, but one that I find so special is when He is called Helper or Comforter (KJV). In Greek, it is the word paraklētos. Strong’s Concordance defines it as someone who stands in the gap for you and supports you.
παράκλητος paráklētos, par-ak’-lay-tos; an intercessor, consoler:—advocate, comforter.
The wonderful thing is that Holy Spirit wasn’t just sent to the disciples in Jesus’ day, but even to His disciples today! That means you and I can experience Him and have Him be part of our lives.
He helps us to walk in the ways of God and gives us strength when we are weak. Not to mention He is a giver of gifts and one who guides us in truth.
And we can welcome the Holy Spirit into our life, home, and work so that we can live victorious lives and experience His wonderful presence. Praise God!!
4 Ways to Welcome the Holy Spirit into Your Life
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. – Galatians 5:22
It is our desire as Christians to live lives that please God and fill us with joy. In John 10:10, Jesus said that He came so that we may have life, and have it abundantly. The Holy Spirit makes it possible to live this life by providing us the fruit of the Spirit as we abide in Him.
1. Invite the Holy Spirit In Prayer
During your prayer time welcome to Holy Spirit by inviting Him into your day and giving Him room to speak and touch you. You can say a simple prayer of invitation. Here is an example of one, but I encourage you to let your prayer come from your heart and not just what you read from a screen.
Holy Spirit, I welcome you into my life to transform me and guide me in all I do. Show me how to live the way that glorifies Jesus and give me the wisdom I need. Help me to be sensitive to Your voice and presence. Draw me closer to You, Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, I ask, Amen.
2. Talk to the Holy Spirit Throughout the Day
Another way you can welcome the Holy Spirit into your life is by talking to Him as you go about your day. This way you hear from Him in every moment of your life wherever you are. God lives in us by His Spirit and He says that He goes with us wherever we go (Joshua 1:9).
If we want to experience the Holy Spirit in our lives, we have to quiet our minds and listen to what He has to say. In Psalm 46:10, God tells us to be still and know that He is God. We have busy schedules and have limited time to listen to what the Spirit of God is saying. Create time each day to free your mind from the cares of the day so that you can commune with the Holy Spirit. This way, He feels welcome in your life.
3. Welcome the Holy Spirit as you Read the Bible
A lot of times we pick up our Bible and just start reading. We don’t even stop for a moment to think that we are reading a very spiritual book and that we need not just human eyes to read it, but spiritual eyes. I find welcoming the Holy Spirit in my time of reading has helped me to retain more and receive revelation. He will help you connect the dots and see God’s truth.
4. Take Time to Worship and Praise the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is not some power or force outside of God. He is part of the God-Head or trinity.
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit – Matthew 28:19 (emphasis added)
Worship and praise is a powerful weapon and act that draws us closer to the Lord (Psalm 100:4). I remember when I was younger the pastor’s wife shared how she wanted to grow in this area of her life.
So, she came up with this creative idea to set timer on her phone. Everytime it dinged she would stop and turn her affections towards the Lord. She share those moments praising Him. She shared how she would feel the presence of the Holy Spirit everytime she turned to Him.
How to Welcome the Holy Spirit into Your Home
As Christians, we want God to feel welcome in our homes and this means that we have to make the effort to create the right atmosphere for Him. We can welcome the Holy Spirit into our homes in various ways.
Playing worship music in your home welcomes the Holy Spirit. Worship songs focus on the holiness and righteousness of God and they usher us into His presence.
When God shows up, He does miracles in our lives, and our homes are filled with His peace and joy. You can listen to worship music as you do your house chores or when you feel like you want to fellowship with God.
We can ensure that our homes are places the Holy Spirit wants to inhabit. This means removing anything that hinders God from dwelling in our homes.
Many people have religious idols or other items (they can be demonic in nature or not) in their homes which hinder the presence of God from resting in their home. We have to get rid of anything that we are not to have in our homes (Leviticus 19:4).
I like to call this spiritual house cleaning. If you are not sure if there is something then spend sometime in prayer and see if the Holy Spirit highlights anything to you. Ask Him to give you discernment and be patient to listen. Sometimes you will feel something right away in prayer or he could show you something in a dream. Whatever the case stay sensitive to His voice.
When I first got saved I was praying around the house and I entered my dad’s office. As I walked by the book case I felt this evil presence. At the time I didn’t realize I was opporating in the gift of discernment. I looked through the books and nick-nacks, but I didn’t see anything. I went to the end of the bookshelf and I felt that evil presence even stronger. I noticed an gap between some books and the shelf. I had this sudden urge or knowing to stick my hand back there. And when I did I pulled out this dagger that had this dragon and skull wrapped around it. I was in shock!
I had never seen this before. I went to my dad and he couldn’t believe I found. Apparently he hadn’t seen it in years. He then told me the story how someone gave it to his uncle during the war and then was given to him. I told my dad what happened and he said get rid of it. He said it always bothered him as well.
We can also welcome the Holy Spirit into our homes by having family devotional times. These are times when we study the Word of God and pray with our families. Doing this invites the presence of the Holy Spirit who comes to give you divine wisdom and revelation. Joshua declared that his family would serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15), and we can do the same in our homes!
I love this worship song about welcoming the Holy Spirit.
How to Welcome the Holy Spirit into Your Work
Sometimes we forget that God wants to be involved in the work we do every day. It’s easy to get caught up in tasks and to-dos. But if we stop and take a moment to welcome Him into our workspace and time….oh what beautiful things will happen!
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. – Ephesians 2:10
Ephesians 2:10 says that we are God’s masterpiece created in Christ Jesus to do good works that God prepared for us to do in advance. This includes the purpose He has for each of our lives. God knows how He wants us to complete the assignments He gives us, and when we invite His Spirit into our work, we will do it with excellence.
Daniel was a man who involved God in His work as an administrator in the Babylonian kingdom. Whenever he faced a challenge, he would seek God for guidance (Daniel 2:17-18). This made him successful and earned him promotions from the kings that he served. We can emulate Daniel and involve the Holy Spirit in every challenge we encounter in the workplace.
If you need wisdom or spiritual insight concerning your work, ask the Holy Spirit and He will give it to you. Sometimes you need to know how to deal with some people and you can ask for the Help from Him. He is our Helper and will help us whenever we need Him.
You can invite the Holy Spirit in your work by taking a short break when you can to fellowship with Him and listen to what He would like to say to you concerning your work. Sometimes He wants to tell you things you have not even asked. Give Him room throughout your day to speak to you.
I hope this article about how to welcome the Holy Spirit has blessed you!
And remember when we invite the Holy Spirit into every aspect of our lives, we will have success in all we do. God never intended for us to live a life without the Holy Spirit. He strengthens our inner being when we are weary and He teaches us many things about life. Welcome Him into your life today and experience His amazing presence that will fill you with perfect peace!
If you would like to leave me a comment you can do so below. I would love to hear from you and what you are learning about the Holy Spirit.
Melissa is a passionate minister, speaker and an ongoing learner of the Bible. She has been involved in church and vocational ministry for over 18 years. And is the founder of Think About Such Things. She has the heart to equip the saints by helping them get into the Word of God and fall more in love with Jesus. She also enjoys family, cooking, and reading.
She has spoken in churches in California, Oregon, Texas, and Mexico and has been featured in Guidepost Magazine and All Recipes Magazine. Read More…
Wednesday 24th of January 2024
I just had the most wonderful time with the Holy Spirit. I did everything you said here to do. I can't remember that I ever cried so much but it's cleansing to the soul. Thank you for teaching this. I really needed it. HOLY SPIRIT you are welcome in my life, my house and everywhere I go. Thank you for forgiveness and the knowing that I will always have YOU by my side in all things
Friday 7th of October 2022
Thank you Melissa for this insightful advice on how one can invite the Holy Spirit into their lives. That prayer guide did it for me. I was desperate to know how I can invite Him into my life but didn't know how to go about it.
Saturday 18th of June 2022
Thank very blessed
Thursday 14th of October 2021
Thank you Melisa Tumino for sending me this. I was touch by your article. It's was very powerful when I read it. It's like you are teaching me more and more
Thank so much