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How to Pray for America In 2024 [5 Prayer Points for the Nation]

In this post, you will learn how to pray for America by utilizing these five key prayer points for the nation. They will help you in your prayer time with the Lord and can be used corporately.

Hey there! Let me dive into something pretty cool today—praying for America. I had this amazing chance to be part of Azusa Now over at the Los Angeles Coliseum.

If Azusa Now sounds new to you, picture this: a massive meet-up led by Lou Engle’s ministries, where thousands of us Christians get together for a full day (yep, sunrise to well past sunset) of prayer and worship, all for our country.

We’re talking about a serious call for revival, forgiveness, and healing for the land, straight out of 2 Chronicles 7:14. Honestly, it was nothing short of electrifying.As the event wrapped up after a marathon 14-hour spiritual journey, I snagged a little packet from some Azusa Now volunteers on my way out.

Just tossed it in my bag without a second thought. But when I got home and finally dug it out, guess what I found? A prayer map of the United States. How about that for a keepsake?

Prayer Map - prayer for revival in america

I had never seen anything like it before and thought it was a genius idea. With that said, I thought I would share it with my fellow readers at Think About Such Things.

The basic concept is that in a month (31 days) you will have prayed for all 50 states individually. Each day gives you one or two states to pray for. Here you can see a picture of the one I got from Azusa Now.

Many times we pray for our nation as a whole or for the state we are living in. We tend to forget other states unless brought to our attention by the Lord or the news.

I believe it’s important that we don’t just pray for our nation as a whole, but target regions of our nation in prayer. So, many things happen on a state level that impact, the body of Christ and millions of people.

How to Pray for America

We have laws being passed, violence and crimes taking place, homelessness at a record high, churches being persecuted, Christians needing strength and unity, the lost needing to know the love of God, and the list goes on. Our prayers can make a difference for Rhode Island, Iowa, Colorado, Utah, etc…

There is a scripture that comes to mind when I think about praying for our states.

I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn’t have to destroy the land, but I found no one. 
– Ezekiel 22:30

He wants to bless this land! Let’s do our part by rebuilding the wall in praying for each state. Most of us know a few simple facts or info about each state or region that will help you pray. But If you are lost on how to pray for the States here some things you can pray.

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5 Prayer Points for the Nation

man praying for America

1. Ask God to forgive the sins of that state and to heal the land.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.  
2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)

2. Pray for the laborers in the field. Cover the ministers, pastors, church leaders of that state.

Then he said to his disciples, The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
Matthew 9:37-38 (NIV) 

3. Pray for the lost to be saved and for the gospel to go forth.

As for other matters, brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you.
2 Thessalonians 3:1 (NIV)

4. Pray for unity in the body of Christ.

I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose.
– I Corinthians 1:10 (NIV)

5. Pray for the governmental leaders of that state and for God to raise up godly leaders. 

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. – 1 Timothy 2:1-4 (NIV)

Prayer TopicWhy It’s Important To Pray ThisExample Prayer
Forgiveness of sinsGod promises to heal lands when His people humble themselves and pray. Unconfessed sin allows the enemy to wreak havoc in communities.Lord, we pray for the people of California. We ask your forgiveness for sins like pride, greed, immorality. Cause us to turn from wickedness, pursue humility and righteousness. Heal this state according to Your promise.
Laborers for the harvestThe spiritual harvest is plentiful but workers are few. We need more pastors, missionaries, leaders to sow and reap, so more get saved.Father, raise up new Christian teachers, community leaders, business owners to be salt and light across Minnesota. Equip your people to share the gospel boldly at universities, rural towns, urban centers. Send more workers!
Spreading the GospelSo many in our states don’t know Jesus. We want the message heard far and wide, so more hearts turn to Him.May Ohio see a sweeping movement of gospel impact – in struggling small towns griped by addiction, among vibrant immigrant communities in Cleveland, on influential college campuses like OSU. Save many souls!
Unity in the ChurchDivision hinders our witness. It dishonors Jesus’ prayers for oneness so the world believes. Unity brings revival, heals injustice, reflects God’s kingdom.Lord bring greater unity to your Louisiana church across racial divides and denominational barriers. Tear down walls between congregations and leaders. Bind your people together in Christ.
Godly LeadershipAuthorities shape laws and culture of our states. Their character impacts millions. Godly leaders bless people; unrighteous ones spread evil.Raise up ethical, wise governors, mayors and council members in New Mexico. Give them hearts to serve people of all backgrounds. Grant them courage to stand for righteousness and religious freedom in our state.
How to Pray for America
praying for america scriptures

If you are interested in having a United States prayer map of your own. You can go visit Every Home for Christ Ministries site or click here: FREE UNITED STATES PRAYER MAP.

Prayer Points For America In 2024

These past 3 to 4 years have been a crazy with COVID, elections, inflation, and so much more. And now we here in a new election year and our nation is deserpatly in need of prayer. Here are for specific prayer points you can pray for America in 2024.

1. Elections

Elections are coming up again.

This isn’t just about choosing leaders; it’s about seeking God’s guidance in selecting individuals who uphold principles of the Bible. Leaders who stand for truth and want the best for this nation.

As Christians, we believe in the power of prayer to influence the hearts and minds of both the candidates and the voters.

  • Why it’s vital: Elections determine the direction our country takes on various issues critical to our faith and values.

2. Unity

I touched on this earlier but it’s worth talking about it again because of where our nation is at. It seems like every time I scroll through social media or catch a glimpse of the news, there’s more division, more arguing.

The Bible is very clear how unity is powerful from the tower of Bable to what what Psalm 133 says…

How good and pleasant it is
    when God’s people live together in unity!

It is like precious oil poured on the head,
    running down on the beard,
running down on Aaron’s beard,
    down on the collar of his robe.

It is as if the dew of Hermon
    were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the Lord bestows his blessing,
    even life forevermore.

  • Why it’s vital: Unity reflects the heart of Christ and is essential for the church to be a light in a world filled with division.

3. Mercy

The level of corruption in our nation has grown. From godless ideologies, abortions, greed and more. We must as a church stand in the gap, ask God for forgiveness and mercy upon our land.

It’s like every time you turn around, there’s another headline that makes you shake your head in disbelief. But here’s where we, as the church, come into play. We’re called to stand in the gap, to intercede on behalf of our land, asking God for forgiveness and mercy.

  • Why it’s vital: Mercy is the very heartbeat of the gospel. It’s what sets Christianity apart from every other belief system out there. Jesus didn’t come to condemn the world but to save it, through an act of ultimate mercy that still leaves me in awe.

    When we pray for mercy upon our land, we’re essentially asking for God’s heart to be made known, for His love to cover a multitude of sins, and for revival to sweep through our nation.

4. Truth To Be Revealed

In an era of “fake news” and misinformation, the truth can sometimes feel like it’s buried under a mountain of lies. But, as followers of Christ—who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life—we’re called to seek and uphold truth.

Praying for truth to be revealed isn’t just about uncovering deception; it’s about asking for wisdom and discernment to navigate complex issues and for courage to stand firm in our convictions.

We need to pray for eyes to be opened to the truth and that hearts would turn to follow the truth.

  • Why it’s vital: Truth is foundational to trust and integrity, both in our personal walk with God and in the fabric of society. For our nation to move forward for the better we need truth to be reveleaed on what is going on so many different areas of society and politics.

How to Pray for America: 3 Creative Ways

If you are looking for some creative and even fun ways to pray for America. here are three suggestions I have. This would be great to do with your kids or even in a group.

woman praying for america

Praying through the 50 state capitals

Spend time praying for the leaders and people in each state capital city. Ask God to give wisdom to the lawmakers and officials governing from those cities. Pray for righteous laws and decisions to be made that will benefit the people of that state.

Praying for different branches of government

Specifically, intercede for the judicial, legislative, and executive branches of the federal and state governments. Ask God to grant wisdom and integrity to judges, legislators, governors, agency heads and staff members. Pray that God’s purposes would be reflected in their rulings, laws, and policies.

Praying for the entertainment/media spheres of influence

The entertainment industry (Hollywood, music, television, etc.) and news media shape the culture significantly. Spend time asking God to raise up ethical, creative believers to besalt and light in these industries. Pray that the media and creative outlets would promote biblical values versus immoral or anti-biblical ideologies. Ask God to bring reformation to these culture-shaping arenas.

Billy Graham’s Prayer for America

I want to close this post with a prayer from Billy Graham in 1997. Even though this prayer is over 20 years old it’s still a cry that needs to be in our hearts.

“Lord … remind us today that You have shown us what is good in what You require of us; to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God. We ask that as a people, we may humble ourselves before You and seek Your will for our lives and for this great nation. Help us in our nation to work as never before to strengthen our families and to give our children hope and a moral foundation for the future. So may our desire be to serve You, and in so doing, serve one another. This we pray in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

If you would like to learn about how you can use a world prayer map and how we can pray for the nations of the world! The check out my latest post on Praying for Every Nation.

Leave me a comment below and share with me how you pray for America and what God has placed in your heart to pray for!

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Sabrina Chapiel

Friday 19th of May 2017

I would have to agree, that map is a great tool to have. A good visual with good ideas and a reminder to pray for states (or provinces in my case) individually.cheers!

Melissa Tumino

Tuesday 23rd of May 2017

I love the fact that map makes it visual. It helps me keep my focus and target an area in prayer way easier! I wonder if you can find a prayer map for your country! :)


Wednesday 17th of May 2017

Wow, excellent post, Melissa! That map is such an amazing idea! :D

Melissa Tumino

Tuesday 23rd of May 2017

Thanks, Lois! Yeah, the prayer map really takes a daunting task and makes it doable and powerful!