In this article, we will look at 12 powerful prayers for mom that you can pray. These prayers will inspire your time with God and help you cover your mom.
Moms can be some of the most wonderful people in our lives. Me personally, I have been blessed with a great mom. She has done so much for everyone in the family.
And let’s be real: being a mom is one of the hardest jobs in the world. You are a mom 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You don’t get to clock out of being a mom. I what Italian actress Sophia Loren says about being a mom, “When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.”
Therefore I think prayers for mom are an excellent way to show your appreciation and love for her. You can pray about many things, from asking God to give her strength or help with tough decisions, to thanking Him for how much he has blessed you because she’s been there every step of the way.
No matter the reason, I think it’s important that we cover our mothers. But before we get started, I always like to go over some tips on written prayers.

Helpful Tip for Praying for Your Mom
True and powerful prayer comes from the heart. Reciting someone else’s prays may be good, but if it’s not heartfelt and personal, you’re just speaking empty words to the Lord. God wants you to get personal when you pray.
I like to look at it this way. When you get a birthday card that only has a signature on it. You think little of it. Even if the manufacture writes a nice poem on it.
But when you receive a birthday card that someone writes a personal birthday blessing or prayer. Suddenly, this means something to you. It’s from someone’s heart to yours. That’s how prayer is, too. God wants to connect with your heart.
This doesn’t mean written prayers have no value. All it means is that you want to pray in a way that you are connected emotionally to your prayer. Here are some helpful tips to do that with written prayers.
- Personalize and get specific – I don’t know details about your mom, but you do! Use those details in your prayers. For example, if your mom is traveling. Don’t just pray a generic prayer for safe travels, but go into details about her trip with the Lord.
- Don’t rush it – It’s ok to linger in prayer. If you have an extra few minutes, take it. Ask the Holy Spirit to highlight or bring to your memory something you should pray for your mom for.
- Pray together – If possible, ask your mom to pray with you. This can be a powerful time of connection for both your mom and you. Plus, the Bible says that when two or more are gathered that He is in our midst! (Matthew 18:20)
>> Don’t forget to pray for dad as well or for both of them! Prayers for Parents…
Prayers for Mom

Prayer for Mom to be Blessed
Lord, thank you for blessing my mom with a heart that’s overflowing with love. She has been a wonderful mom. Thank you so much for the lessons she has taught me and the sacrifices she has made. Please continue to bless her in all of life’s endeavors and bless her with her heart’s desires. In Jesus’ name! Amen.
>> More Ways to Bless Your Mom
Prayer for Mom Health
Heavenly Father, I ask that you bless my mom with divine health and wellbeing. Protect her from any kind of sickness that would try to attack her. Please, cover her with Your precious blood, Jesus! Thank you for your healing touch in her life. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Prayer for Mom To Have A Long Life
Dear Lord, I pray for my mom to have a long life. Please give her strength and health so that she can continue living the fullness of Your will here on the earth. Keep her Lord and preserve her life. That we may be blessed to have her for many more years to come. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Mom Safety While Traveling
Thank God that he has given us victory over death! I pray you would keep my mother safe this day and always! Give her strength and courage against any temptation or trial that may come her way. Keep her mind clear of worry about me and other family members back home until we are once again reunited with one another.
>> More prayers for Safe Travel
Prayer for Mom To Grow Closer To God
Father, I pray that my mom’s faith in You would grow every day. Help her see You more clearly and understand Your will for the days ahead. I pray she would know how much You love her, and that she would experience Your sweet presence today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Mother-daughter Relationship
Father, I pray that my relationship with my mother would continue to grow and flourish. Bless us with new memories and never forget to cherish the old ones. I ask Lord that our relationship would be like iron sharpens iron and that we would be blessing to each other. Help me become a daughter that honors her and gives her joy. In the name of Jesus, amen.
Prayer for Mother-son Relationship
Father, I thank You for my mom. I ask that You would bless our relationship and that it would be one that strengthens each other in the Lord. Let me become a son that will cherish and honor my mom for the rest of her days. Let our relationship be healthy and full of Your love. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Prayer for Mom Who Is Single Parent
Lord, I pray for (insert name) She is a single mother. Give her the wisdom to raise her children in a way that glorifies Your name. Give the peace to know that everything will be alright. And Lord provide for her needs whether it’s financial, emotional, or spiritual. That she would be strengthened in You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Prayer for Mom’s Healing
Lord, it says in Your Word, that by Your stripes we are healed. So, I ask that you would heal my mom today. Remove any pain she is feeling right now, and give her body strength. Let her experience Your healing touch and be restored. Thank You for her healing in the name of Jesus!
>> More prayers for Mom’s Healing
Prayer of Thanksgiving for Your Mother
Heavenly Father, I thank You for the gift of my mother. Pray that she would know just how much her children love her. Thank You, for giving her a kind heart, and a willingness to always give. As she has poured out herself on the family, I ask that You would pour back into her. That She would be refreshed and renewed in You. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Prayer for Peace for my Mom
Father, I pray for peace in my mother’s life and that she would know without a doubt that You are near. That her home would be filled with Your love and protection. I pray for that You would give her peace in all aspects of her life. That her path and choices she needs to make would be clear. Let her heart find rest and that she could lay her head on Your chest knowing that all things are in Your hands. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
>> More Prayers on Inner Peace

Prayer for Mother’s Strength
Lord, I lift my mom up to You and I asked that You would restore her strength.. It says in Your Word that those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. Help my mom to wait upon You and be refreshed for what is ahead. Give her the confidence and wisdom she needs and bless her greatly today. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen.
I hope these prayers for mom have stirred you up to pray for her in a new fresh way. Covering her is a wonderful way to express your love and honor for her. But more than that…is that your prayers are affecting her and bringing God’s Kingdom into her life. Hallelujah!!

Melissa is a passionate minister, speaker and an ongoing learner of the Bible. She has been involved in church and vocational ministry for over 18 years. And is the founder of Think About Such Things. She has the heart to equip the saints by helping them get into the Word of God and fall more in love with Jesus. She also enjoys family, cooking, and reading.
She has spoken in churches in California, Oregon, Texas, and Mexico and has been featured in Guidepost Magazine and All Recipes Magazine. Read More…