Dreaming of snakes? You’re not alone. This article delves into the Biblical meaning of snakes in dreams, providing insights to help you interpret and understand these visions quickly.
If you’ve ever wondered about the significance of snakes in your dreams, read on for concise guidance. Praying and taking note of impactful dreams is essential, and this article aims to assist you in that journey.
Explore additional dream-related topics and symbols, including babies, frogs, mermaids, and more. Use the table of contents for easy navigation, or scroll through the entire article for a comprehensive understanding.
Key Takeaways
• Snakes in dreams often symbolize spiritual attacks from the enemy. They can reveal areas where you are struggling or believing lies.
• Steps to interpret snake dreams:
• Pray and ask God for clarity on what the snake represents
• Look into scripture about snake symbolism
• Share the dream with mature Christians for counsel and advice
• Take any action God leads you to based on the interpretation
• Snake dreams are a call to prayer, not to fear or confusion. Bring disturbing dreams to God.
Dreaming of Snakes?
Dreaming of snakes is not as unusual as you would think. It’s one of the top searched terms when it comes to symbols in a dream.
And a lot of stuff on the internet on the topic is either new age, occultic, or psychological understanding, and even some of the “Biblical” stuff is not even coming from people of the Christian faith.
And as a minister, this honestly bugs me! So, I want to shed light on the topic from a Biblical Christian perspective and encourage you.
I have had my fair share of snake dreams. And as oddly as it may sound, I’m thankful for them. Let me explain why…
As you will learn below, you will see how these dreams can open your eyes to areas you are struggling with and how you can pray.
God will use these dreams to reveal what the enemy tries to do in our lives. These kinds of dreams help bring a level of awareness of what is going on in the spirit realm and sometimes even what is happening in the natural.
What Does the Bible Say About Snakes?
There are tons of animals in the Bible, and the snake is one of the creatures God created. Even though at creation the snake was innocent and is just an animal. The Bible paints the story of the snake and it’s deep symbolic meaning. From the book of Gensis to end in the book of Revelations.
If we gather information about snakes or serpents and look at the law of first mention, we see the story of the serpent is found in the Garden of Eden. (Gen. 3).
The Law of First Mention: “Some Bible students use the law of first mention as a guideline of study in which they find the first time a word, idea, or doctrine is introduced in Scripture to better understand the other references.
The idea is that the first time it is mentioned will be the simplest, most understandable reference from which the others build. ” (source)
We see that Satan uses the snake to lie (manipulate God’s truth… “Did God really say?“) tempt, and bring forth the fall of man.
It’s not a good start for the snake.
According to Smith’s Bible Dictionary,
“Hence, as a fruit of the tradition of the Fall, the serpent all through the East became the emblem of the spirit of evil, and is so pictured even on the monuments of Egypt.…”
“Throughout the East the serpent was used as an emblem of the evil principle, of the spirit of disobedience and contumacy.
Much has been written on the question of the “fiery serpents” of Numbers 21:6, 8 with which it is usual to erroneously identify the “fiery flying serpent” of Isaiah 14:29 and Isai 30:6 The word “fiery” probably signifies “burning,” in allusion to the sensation produced by the bite…. “
The majority of scripture paints snakes as evil and cunning. Even Jesus tells us as Christians, we will have authority over snakes and scorpions. He is speaking of spiritual enemies here and not the physical realm.
But in scripture, a snake doesn’t always point blank, meaning the devil.
In the next section, we will take a deeper look into the symbolism of snakes.
Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams
You will see in this section a slew of different symbolic meanings for snakes, with Biblical references.
- Temptation and Sin – Genesis 3, Number 21* (see below).
This is the account of how the crafty serpent tempted Adam and Eve, which led to the fall of man and sin in the world.
- Sharp tongue and Words – Psalms 140:3; Job 20:16
A spiritual attack can sometimes look like words and accusations coming against you.
- Associates with Falling – Ecclesiastes 10:8
If someone decides to break things instead of fixing them (dig a pit) they might face a consequence. It’s like if you do something unkind, it might come back to you, just like getting bitten by snakes (which are in the pit you dug). So, it’s a reminder to be helpful and not cause harm.
- Divination (Spirit of Python) – Acts 16:16
The word divination a form of witchcraft in Acts 16:16 is from the Greek word puthon. This is where we get our English word “python.”
According to Vine’s Dictionary:
“In Greek mythology was the name of the Pythian serpent or dragon, dwelling in Pytho, at the foot of mount Parnassus, guarding the oracle of Delphi, and slain by Apollo. Thence the name was transferred to Apollo himself.
Later the word was applied to diviners or soothsayers, regarded as inspired by Apollo. Since demons are the agents inspiring idolatry, 1 Corinthians 10:20 , the young woman in Acts 16:16 was possessed by a demon instigating the cult of Apollo, and thus had “a spirit of divination.”
- Idolatry – Number 21* (see below)
- Lies and False Belief – Genesis 3, Psalms 140:3
A lot of spiritual warfare happens when we believe lies and truths that have been twisted by the enemy.
- The Wicked – Psalm 58:3-4
Scripture clarifies that evil people or agents of darkness are likened to snakes.
- Satan/Devil – Revelation 12:9
Satan himself is called the old serpent. This has also let us place demons and evil spirits under the same idea.
- Self-Righteous and Hypocrisy – Matthew 3:7
Jesus had no problem calling the Pharisees and Sadducees a board of vipers for their self-righteousness and hypocrisy.
- Treachery and Deceptive – Number 21* (see below)
- Being Devoured – Jeremiah 51:34
Depending on the translation, we see the word translated: serpent (NIV), dragon (KJV), and monster (NKJV). In this verse we see how the King of Babylone has devoured people like a snake.
For a quick reference, here is a chart of all the BIblical meanings of snakes:
Symbolic Meaning | Biblical References |
Temptation and Sin | Genesis 3, Numbers 21 |
Sharp tongue and Words | Psalms 140:3; Job 20:16 |
Associates with Falling | Ecclesiastes 10:8 |
Divination (Spirit of Python) | Acts 16:16 |
Idolatry | Numbers 21 |
Lies and False Belief | Genesis 3, Psalms 140:3 |
The Wicked | Psalm 58:3-4 |
Satan/Devil | Revelation 12:9 |
Self-Righteous and Hypocrisy | Matthew 3:7 |
Treachery and Deceptive | Numbers 21 |
Being Devoured | Jeremiah 51:34 |
You can see a lot of connection between the demonic, destruction, and evil people when looking at the spiritual meaning.
*In Numbers 21, God commands Moses to make a bronze serpent to stop the effects of a plague of poisonous snakes.
This serpent image was later erected in the Jerusalem temple, but they started to worship it, and it was associated with Canaanites’ religious practice (snake cults). This eventually led King Hezekiah to destroy it (2 Kgs. 18:4).
Also, in Numbers 21, you will see how snakes symbolize treachery and dual nature. It was the snake that brought forth death/sickness, but the bronze snake that brought healing.
Treachery: The betrayal of trust; deceptive action or nature.
How Jesus is symbolized as a snake: First off, don’t stone me… let me show you what I mean by this.
“As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life.” John 3:14
This imagery is to express how Jesus was lifted up on the cross taking on the sin of the world (becoming a snake) to bring healing (salvation) to all who look to Him.
Dream Interpretation of Snake Dreams
When it comes to interpreting dreams, we must always remember the key source of our interpretation.
With dreams, the interpretation can be very personal to the dreamer. It’s not always cut and dry, and no real formula exists. A symbol can mean one thing this time and another thing another time.
But understanding Biblical symbolism is important for us as we seek out the interpretation. It grounds us in the Word and helps us piece together the things that the Holy Spirit is showing us.
These are some key steps you can take to help you interpret a dream with snake(s) in it.
- Write the dream out and make a note of anything prominent in the dream. Especially about the snake or snakes, such as their color, type, size, and location.
- Look into scripture about certain other symbols you see in the dream. Take notes, and if something is quickened in your spirit, then write that down.
- Begin to pray about the dream and ask God to bring clarity about what the snake symbolizes and means. If you sense anything from the Lord, jot it down.
- Share the dream with a mature fellow sister or brother in Christ. Tell them what your sensing and ask for their thoughts and counsel. I would encourage you to ask for prayer as well.
- Pray over what you feel the dream and the snake mean, and take action if you feel the Lord is leading to you.
For me personally… when I have had dreams about a snake or snakes, they tend to always be a warning that I am being spiritually attacked. I am either believing lies or being tempted in an area of my life.
This would lead me into a prayer time to break things off lies and take authority over the situation. I ask God to protect me this season and keep me watchful.
Remember the power of God we have when we call upon Him and take authority.
I usually will see a lot of breakthroughs in my thought life.
And always keep in mind the context of the dream matters. You have to take everything into consideration.
If you see a snake in a dream but it’s attacking someone else. Then pray for that person! This is why it’s good to write the whole dream out.
Can Snakes In A Dream Mean Something Positive?
I once heard a fellow Christian say that snake dreams can reflect something positive happening. They gave no scriptural reference for this.
That was hard for me to swallow because of my understanding of it Biblically, and for my own personal experience, it doesn’t tend to be positive. In most cases, snake dreams symbolize evil and demonic activities.
It doesn’t mean God couldn’t use it in a positive light. I would just tread EXTREMELY carefully with that kind of interpretation. And I would seek Godly counsel about it and confirmation.
For example, having a dream about a white snake would, to me, symbolize some type of false purity. While someone else seeing it be white might think it’s a “good” snake.
Common Snake Dreams
As I mentioned before, snake dreams are not a rarity. In the next portion, we will take a look at different but common snake dreams.
If you are wondering if the snake’s color has significance, it most likely does. As you continue on in this article, you can find a chart of the colors of different snakes and what that color could symbolize.
Here are some of the most common snake dreams:
- Snakes attacking you in a dream.
- Snakes are chasing you in a dream.
- A snake biting you in a dream
- Killing a snake or snakes in a dream
- Seeing many snakes in a dream
Dreaming of Snakes Attacking
If the dream is of you being attacked by snakes or a snake. I would begin to pray and ask God to show you if you’re being spiritually attacked. This can also manifest in the natural realm with people or situations coming up against you.
I would take a special note on how you are combating the snake in the dream. Are you using your hands/legs, a weapon, or a random object? These can be key in your understanding of what the dream is about.
Dreaming of Being Chased by a Snake
Being chased in a dream can create fear and terror. Similar to being attacked, something is trying to come after you and subdue you. This is exactly what the enemy wants.
Come against it in prayer!
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:7
Dreaming About a Snake Bite
If, in the dream, the snake bites you or has latched on to you. This goes beyond just being an attack but being affected or hurt by whatever the snake symbolizes.
If the snake symbolizes lies, you are believing, and you are bitten. That could mean you are taking on that lie as a full-blown truth.
I would suggest praying and asking the Lord to reveal things in your life that the enemy has latched on to you.
Killing Snakes in Your Dream
These are my favorite kind of snake dreams! You are overcoming whatever the enemy is coming against you with! Luke 10:19
I remember a dream I had where a snake bit me and latched on. I grabbed the snake and ripped it’s head off. It was AWESOME.
When I woke up, I prayed and asked God to help me be victorious against the schemes of the enemy, and I praised Him in advance for the victory. (Note: I was bitten but was able to overcome it)
Recurring Dreams About Snakes
If you are having recurring dreams about snakes I would pay special attention to that. I would write them down and begin praying.
Usually, when we have recurring dreams, it’s a type of warning or something God is trying to emphasize.
I like what Joe Ibojie says about them. He states that recurring dreams or those that are similar in nature may occur because we have ignored God’s message the first time.
We see this in Genesis 41:31
And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass.
Seeing Many Snakes In A Dream
If the snake dream you have has multiple snakes in it, this could represent multiple lies or attacks happening within your life that God wants you to overcome.
Types of Snakes And Their Meanings
Now if your dream has a specific kind of snake like a rattlesnake, python, cobra…etc
It would be wise to look into the characteristics of that type of snake. It might give a greater understanding of what the snake symbolizes in the dream.
This is because the Bible doesn’t go into different types of snakes.
For example, python snakes are known to be the largest breed snakes in the world. We also know they kill their prey by suffocating them.
It could be that this dream of a python represents some kind of large force that is trying to suffocate or strangle. This, of course, depends on the context of the dream.
Remember, there is no formula for Christian dream interpretation. We must seek out the Holy Spirit and get into His word.
Here are some characteristics of common snakes to help you understand your dream.
Snake Types | Characteristics |
Rattlesnake | Known for a rattle on its tail; symbolizes warning, potential danger, or alertness. |
Green Tree Python | Known for a rattle on its tail, it symbolizes warning, potential danger, or alertness. |
Python | Large and constricts its prey. It may mean a force trying to suffocate or strangle you in an area of your life. |
Cobra | Venomous and hooded signifies hidden threats or challenges that need attention. A black cobra could represent the demonic and sin. |
Boa Constrictor | Colorful and venomous, it could symbolize deceptive situations or hidden dangers. |
Black Mamba | Arboreal (live in trees) and non-venomous may symbolize lies or an attack that may be over your head. |
Coral Snake | Common and harmless may signify overcoming small obstacles or facing small lies. |
Garter Snake | Venomous and aggressive could indicate a religious spirit, hypocrisy, or self-righteousness. |
Viper | Highly venomous and fast, it may represent intense and urgent challenges requiring swift action. |
Colors of Snakes And What They Could Mean
It is important to know that colors in the Bible are very significant, and if the snake in your dream was a specific color, it could indicate another level of spiritual meaning.
Remember to pray and seek the Lord about the meaning of the color as you study His Word.
Snake Color | Potential Symbolic Meaning According To The Bible |
A Black Snake | White usually means Purity and righteousness. A snake could represent deception. False purity or self-righteousness |
A Red Snake | A red snake can mean sin, flesh/humanity, warfare |
A White Snake | Green usually means spiritual growth and life. A green snake usually camouflages with plants and trees. This could represent sins, attacks, or lies hiding. |
A Green Snake | Brown usually means compassion and acceptance. But a brown snake, like a green snake, tries to blend in with the ground or dirt. This could represent the snake, meaning it has to do with our flesh since we are made of dust. |
A Brown Snake | Blue usually means Heavenly realm, God’s presence. A Blue snake could represent a demonic deception that is alluring and looks like God. |
A Blue Snake | Purple usually means royalty, wealth, and power. This could mean a purple snake is powerful and might be affecting your identity. |
A Purple Snake | Purple usually means royalty, wealth, and power. This could mean a purple snake is powerful and might be affecting your identity. |
A Gold Snake or Yellow Snake | A gold snake or a yellow snake could represent Idolatry, greed |
A Call to Prayer
When it comes to dreaming about snakes I believe it’s a call to prayer.
It’s NOT a call to be fearful.
It’s NOT a call to be confused.
It’s a call to pray.
The source of the dream also matters.
There are times when these dreams come from God. It’s a way He reveals what is going on so we can stand and pray.
If the source of the dream is demonic, I usually take it as the enemy being stupid and revealing his plans. I then pray against those plans.
There have been times when I prayed about a dream with snakes or other dark symbols in them. And the Holy Spirit is quick to tell me to pay no attention to it. The dream has no meaning, and the enemy is just toying with me.
This is why I recommend always praying into a dream. God is so good and kind…He will help you understand your dreams. Just be faithful to write them down and pray into them.
And If a dream really shakes you up bring it with a friend or a spiritual mentor. Have them pray with you and discuss things going on in your life.
I hope this has helped you in your understanding dreams with snakes in them. If you would like to learn more about dreams. Please check out these two posts below.
Melissa is a passionate minister, speaker and an ongoing learner of the Bible. She has been involved in church and vocational ministry for over 18 years. And is the founder of Think About Such Things. She has the heart to equip the saints by helping them get into the Word of God and fall more in love with Jesus. She also enjoys family, cooking, and reading.
She has spoken in churches in California, Oregon, Texas, and Mexico and has been featured in Guidepost Magazine and All Recipes Magazine. Read More…
Adar Collins-Byrne
Saturday 11th of March 2023
Thank you-I have been looking for a Christian interpretation. My dream was of a green cobra. I can’t find a biblical meaning of why it was green though.
Lucito V. De Jesus
Sunday 3rd of November 2024
@Adar Collins-Byrne,
When did you dream of that dream? Can you contextualize it? What was happening to you at that time of the dream? Dis you have a concern that you have been bothered about? What might that be?
Monday 6th of February 2023
I must have dreamt a dozen snake dreams. However, they almost never attack me. Although, I've had a strangler python tighten up on my thighs. Or seeing a giant python in our church's Sunday school room hidden calmly under a table with me coomenting there must be something he eats. Or a house literally full of snakes (covering every inch and object). I've had a small red snake in my bed and the last time I've seen about a meter long (python-ish but thinner) Gold/light brown snake crawled on a chair by my feet, slowly crawling under my blanket, possibly to ger warm. Stopped with its head pointing towards me and I could feel the intense warmth. I could not move, just watch uncomfortably. You can feel these hit different, with really strong emotions (fear mostly) and remembering every detail even after a while. Really wish there was somebody with the gift of interpretation so this could possibly benefit the church.
Donna Calhoun
Thursday 19th of January 2023
Thank you for helping me with this and I ask for prayers 🙏 from you and others on this.
Friday 13th of January 2023
Such a good read! I’m a Christian and vivid dreams run deep through the women in my family. Came here to see opinions on snake dreams because of one of my dreams.
Weirdly enough, my mom always has dreams about snakes when someone is pregnant. Every time she has one she hears of the news! I guess that would classify as a good snake dream then?
Tuesday 10th of January 2023
My dream was about my cousin holding a black snake and making it bite my left hand, and I screamed it’s venomous.