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Holy Spirit Fire: How We Can Burn With the Fire of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives

A look at Holy Spirit fire that burns in us, through us and what it does. It’s amazing how the fire of the Holy Spirit isn’t all about passion, but transformation!

Set a Fire down in my Soul
That I can't contain, I can't control
I want more of you God, more of you God

I love that song! I remember singing it in worship as a youth and praying for the Holy Spirit’s fire to fall on me. But when I was young I didn’t understand what I was fully saying to the Lord. I figured it had to do with passion. 

Holy Spirit Fire

Sure, fire is all consuming like passion. But the fire of the Holy Spirit is so much more. It goes beyond passion, and brings radical transformation in our lives. And today I want to take a deep look at His fire. And answer some questions like, what does it do? How can we experience it? And so much more! 

So, I hope you will go on this journey with me on learning about the wonderful Holy Spirit! 

How is the Holy Spirit Like Fire?

Fire is one of those interesting things in scripture. We see it mentioned everywhere either literally, metaphorically, and/or spiritually. We even read that the angels have the appearance of fire and at the altar in the throne room are burning coals (Isaiah 6:6)

Holy Spirit Fire Symbol

But what makes it even more interesting is the connection between fire and God. It says in Hebrew 12:9 that God is an all consuming fire. We see this manifestation weaved throughout the Bible. Here are just a handful of examples:

  • Moses and the Burning Bush (Exodus 3:2)
  • Fire at the altar (leviticus 6:13)
  • Cloud by day Fire by Night – The Shekinah Glory (Numbers 9:15-16)
  • Elijah against the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:38)

The Symbolism of Fire and The Holy Spirit

When it comes to the Holy Spirit, we see Him in many different symbols. Most well-known is the dove. But fire is also a prominent symbol for the Holy Spirit. This should be no surprise since the Holy Spirit is God and is one with God. 

Now, in the New Testament, we first see this connection when Jesus says you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit and with Fire (Matthew 3:11), and when the Holy Spirit falls during Pentecost, it is said that tongues of fire rested on the people. (Acts 2:1-4). 

What does the Fire of the Holy Spirit Do?

Many verses throughout the Bible talk about the refiner’s fire. It’s this fire that comes and cleanses us from impurities! But it also causes us to reflect Jesus to the world! Because it’s a pretty deep topic here a post, I wrote on it. I really encourage you to take a look at it.

The Power of the Refiner Fire In Your Life 

His fire also provides light and guidance. When we can’t see the path in front of us the Holy Spirit sheds His light so we can see.

It also stirs us and causes our passion for the Lord to ignite even more. (Luke 24:32)

So, we see three things the Holy Spirit’s fire does. To make it easier to remember, each word starts with a P.

  • Purifies: the Holy Spirit’s fire cleanses us and makes us more like Jesus. We are His living sacrifices that is lit up by His fire! (Romans 12:1)
  • Passion: The Holy Spirit’s fire creates and stirs a passion within the believer.
  • Pilot: The Fire of the Holy Spirit is a light that we can see clearly and pilots us on our path. 

How to Experience the Holy Spirit’s Fire?

hand receiving the Holy Ghost fire

As believers, we should desire and hunger after the Holy Spirit and this includes His fire. I will warn you though as we seek His presence and His fire in our lives… remember fire burns.

 And He will burn up things in your life that hold you back from Him and walk in truth and freedom. This can be a painful process, but well worth it!

Ask For It

It may sound silly or simple but asking for His fire is the first step. Share your desire with him. Pray and ask God to burn within you His holy fire and to experience everything the Holy Spirit has for you. 

Draw closer to the Holy Spirit 

Have you ever stood too close to a fireplace or fire pit? Good chances something is going to catch on fire or burn. I remember one time my shoe didn’t do to well next to the fire pit. That rubber had no chance!

This natural law is the same in spirit. We know that the Holy Spirit is like fire therefore the closer we get to Him to closer we are to…

His fire…

His holiness…

His presence…

His glory…

His grace…

…etc The list goes on and on! 

I had a vision long ago that still comes to my remembrance. I was in prayer, and I saw the hands of the Lord holding this platter of beautiful things. The Lord asked me, “Do you want this?” I of course said, “YES!” He then said, “GET UP! And get it.” I knew what He meant.

If I really want God’s blessings, like experiencing His perfect peace, joy, strength, and so much more. I had to be willing to get up out of my place of comfort and come close to Him. (John 15:5 )

What does drawing close look like? It’s time spent in prayer, worship, and His Word. It’s time spent WITH Him. 

So, you want His fire? Draw close to Him! 

Have Fellowship 

Fellowshipping with other believers is a great way to stir up our faith, share what God is doing, and minister to each other. Many times it’s in these times of prayer and worship together that the Holy Spirit falls and touches us. 

Suppose you want to fire of His Spirit. Then get around like-minded believers. Pray together, study together, and have conversations that stir your passion for Him. 


Serving your church or community is a great way to let the Holy Spirit minister through you and at the same time, let Him work within you. 

It was a late night at church, and they wanted leaders to pray for individuals. I was tired and not in the mood, but I went up since it was a packed service. I was hoping I would not be needed. I had a major poopy attitude. All of a sudden, a lady comes up to me. And I don’t react, hoping someone else will go up to her and pray. No one did.

 Then the Holy Spirit clear as day says, “This is not about you, Melissa. You are here to serve.”  That certainly woke me up, and I repented right then and there. I went up to the lady, and we prayed together. The presence of God was so strong, and she was encouraged and blessed by it. 

I would have never had that experience if I wasn’t serving. I learned from it, and it drew me closer to the Lord. It’s something I will never forget. 

A Prayer for Holy Spirit Fire

I want to end this post with a prayer. You are more than welcome to use this prayer as inspiration for your own prayer. I do encourage those who read prayers not to just recite them to the Lord, but to personalize them and share it from the heart. 

Blessed Holy Spirit, I pray that your presence will overshadow me. That you would bring your fire into my life. Burn in me such a passion for you that I could not contain it. Let that fire be stoked and continue to burn the rest of my days. And let those who are around me experience your presence and fire.

Lord, let your fire cleanse me and bring light to wherever I go. Let me be soft-hearted and courageous towards its ability to purify me! Teach me, Holy Spirit! Draw me close to you! Let my life be a flame before you. Please help me to become a living sacrifice before you. 

I love you, Holy Spirit, and thank you for your fire. Thank you, that you are faithful to doing this work within me. 

In the mighty name of Jesus, amen and amen! 

Hungry for more? I have a handful of other articles you might enjoy on the topic of the Holy Spirit. You can find them below:

I hope this post on the fire of the Holy Ghost has built you up and stirred up your faith in the Lord. 

You are more than welcome to write me a comment below. I would love to know what you are learning about the precious Holy Spirit. 

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