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Christian Articles on Faith

Welcome to my page on faith articles! As you scroll down you will find a wide range of article topics from Bible Study, Angels, Christian Inspiration, Prayer, Christian Quotes and so much more! 

I hope these Christian articles bless you and cause your heart to draw closer to Jesus.

Since this page has been getting bigger and bigger I have decided to place a table of contents here. This way you can easily navigate through all the articles.

Christian articles and lessons

Faith Articles on Bible Study Topics & Tools

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. ~ Hebrews 4:12

God’s word is amazing and is filled with life-giving wisdom for us. I’m a firm believer the studying the Bible should be fun and stir up your faith. So, let’s dig deep into scripture and grow our faith in the Lord. 

Angelology – The Study of Angels​

Below is a small collection of articles on angels. For all of them please visit my Angelology Page.

Christian Growth & Inspirational Articles​

In this section of faith articles, you will find posts that will encourage, build up, and stir up your faith! 

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about such things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you ~ Philippians 4:8-10

Prayer Topics

We can be tired, weary, and emotionally distraught, but after spending time alone with God, we find that He injects into our bodies energy, power and strength.

Charles Stanley

The power of prayer should never be overlooked. It’s the very thing that shakes the chains off of cell walls, shifts atmosphere, softens the hardest hearts, and transforms nations. 

Articles on the Holy Spirit

Learning about the Holy Spirit and His gifts is important to our spiritual growth and also important for the building up and equipping of the saints. In these Christian articles, we will dig deep into scripture and grow in these powerful gifts of God. 

Christian Dream Interpretation and Visions

Articles on Biblical Symbolism

Articles on Christian Art

Let’s get inspired! Enjoy this collection of Christian art.

Articles on Godly Relationships​

“A Godly relationship should build the one you have with Jesus, not replace it…”

I’m not sure who authored that quote but it carries a lot of truth. Our number one relationship is with Jesus, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t better our connection with those around us. We are called to love and sometimes that comes easy and sometimes it is hard. But the more we shine God’s love and light the greater impact we will have for His Kingdom.  

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these. ~ Mark 12:30-31

Topical Bible Verses for Studying

A list of Bible verses on a specific topic can be extremely helpful if you wanting to study the topic. But they can also be used in prayer or meditation, or take a completely creative route and use the in art, journaling, or as an encouragement to fellow brother or sister in Christ. 

*Because of the growth of my topical Bible Verses I have decided to create its own page. I hope it’s helpful for you to find what you are looking for and further your study in God’s word. Just click the button below to go and see all the articles. 

Bible Humor and Fun

Christian and Bible Quizzes

Christian Blessings

Has there been a time when you wanted to share a blessing with someone but you were not sure what to say, send, or write? Well, I got you covered! Below you will find a slew of blessings that will help brighten and encourage a loved-one!

If you are looking specifically for Christmas articles with blessings, images and messages please visit here: Christian Christmas Content

Inspirational Christian Quotes​

I am a true blue lover of quotes. They are like little gold nuggets that cause you to think, be inspired, and encouraged. Below is a collection of Christian articles, all on quotes on various faith topics or by well-known Christian leaders/ministers. 

These are great to add to your journal, use in a card, or something to hang up in your room. I hope they inspire you as much as they inspire me! 

Christian Books & Reviews ​

You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me. 

C.S Lewis

On My Bookshelf is a section on Think About Such Things  where I do book reviews. I am a reviewer for BookLook Bloggers, Moody, and B&H LifeWay. But sometimes I review books I read on my own. Majority of my books are Christian, but on occasion they are not. Those books can be found in a different category on the site. 

If you love reading Christian non-fiction then check out those faith articles.You just might get inspired to pick up one of these great reads!